Amoureux Velo Champs Canva Pro©Amoureux Velo Champs Canva Pro|Canva ProEscape in the Vexin NormandNormandy countryside between Paris and DieppeBalade A Velo A St Denis Le Ferment Adt De Leure J.f. Lange©Balade A Velo A St Denis Le Ferment Adt De Leure J.f. Lange|J.f. Lange - ADT de l'EureThe taste and feels of Normandy40 minutes from Giverny and 1 hour from Paris or Rouen by car, the Vexin Normand is the ideal area to relax in Normandy and discover a major page of anglo-norman medieval history.Gisors Jf Lange Adt De Leure©Gisors Jf Lange Adt De Leure|J.f. Lange - ADT de l'EureVisit GisorsA golden stopover between Dieppe and Paris
Champ De Lin Et Coquelicots En Vexin Normand Adt De Leure J.f. Lange©Champ De Lin Et Coquelicots En Vexin Normand Adt De Leure J.f. LangeGo Green in Normandy, 70 km from Pariscanoeing on the Epte©canoeing on the Epte|Bruno BeucherHolidays seeking for thrillsBrocante Les Puces Du Moulin Neaufles St Martin Adt De Leure J.f. Lange 2©Brocante Les Puces Du Moulin Neaufles St Martin Adt De Leure J.f. Lange 2|J.f. Lange - ADT de l'Eure"Normandy therapy"Tent Tipi Escapade Naturelle Ml Vittori©Tent Tipi Escapade Naturelle Ml VittoriA comfy camping experience+ inspirations & sensations
Chateau De Gisors La Barbacane Et Tour Du Gouverneur W Ml Vittori 2021©Chateau De Gisors La Barbacane Et Tour Du Gouverneur W Ml Vittori 2021Legendary fortressVisit Gisors castleChateau De Gisors Ete 2023 2wml Vittori©Chateau De Gisors Ete 2023 2wml Vittori|ML Vittori Vexin Normand TourismeThe must-havesFrom the Vexin NormandChateau De Gisors 1 Ml Vittori 2021©Chateau De Gisors 1 Ml Vittori 2021|ML Vittori Vexin Normand TourismeCastles, parks, museums & farmsGisors Jf Lange Adt De Leure©Gisors Jf Lange Adt De Leure|J.f. Lange - ADT de l'EureGisorsVisit GisorsA golden stopover between Dieppe and Paris
Ride on the Voie Verte Gisors Gasny En Vae Adt De Leure J.f. Lange©Ride on the Voie Verte Gisors Gasny En Vae Adt De Leure J.f. LangeTurn off the engine!Halfway between Dieppe and Paris, the Vexin Normand is the nearest destination in Normandy from Paris, also 30 mn driver from Paris - Beauvais airport. It's also at the...Read more
9JanCOMPLET - One man show "Nature" - Florent PeyreSHOWGisors10JanConcert "Hygiaphone"CONCERTGisors11JanConcert "Family Moustache"CONCERTGisors11Jan26JanExposition peinture Nelson Gomes TeixeiraEXHIBITIONCome and discover the works of Nelson Gomes Teixeira, a multidisciplinary artist influenced by political and social history. The painter honors humanity through complex works...Chaumont-en-Vexin10JanMarché de GisorsMARKETGisors14JanNouvelles chorées Les MillsWORK SHOP / COURSEOn the program: - From 6 p.m. to 7 p.m.: body pump. - From 7 p.m. to 8 p.m.: body combat. - From 8 p.m. to 9 p.m.: RPM. To be in the theme, the accessory to wear is a crown.Trie-Château25JanLa Nuit de la LectureTALES AND GAMESLe Thil25JanLotoOTHER ACTIVITIESChâteau-sur-Epte24JanPilates avec David NeveuWORK SHOP / COURSEÉtrépagny2FebMarché de Nojeon-en-VexinMARKETNojeon-en-VexinAll agendaall the highlightsClose×
Eating outAccommodationVisitAu Rendez-VousRESTAURANTGisorsLe Bur'GRESTAURANTGisorsVignes NormandesRESTAURANTMartagnyLe CappevilleRESTAURANTGisorsChâteau de la RapéeHÔTEL-RESTAURANTBazincourt-sur-EpteL'Ecrin des SaveursRESTAURANTGisorsL'ArdoiseRESTAURANTGisorsL'Olive VerteRESTAURANTGisorsRestaurant du Château "Chez Pat"TRADITIONAL CUISINELa HoussoyeLa TribuRESTAURANTÉtrépagnyLe TamarisRENTALS AND GÎTESHébécourtLa Mare aux BrumesRENTALS AND GÎTESBazincourt-sur-EptePlume et PotironRENTALS AND GÎTESGisorsLa Maisonnette du CèdreRENTALS AND GÎTESSaint-Denis-le-FermentGîte La petite MilfredRENTALS AND GÎTESMorgnyChambre d'hôtes LE PRIEURE SAINT AUBINBED AND BREAKFASTDoudeauville-en-VexinLe Prieuré de GisorsRENTALS AND GÎTESGisorsGîte la Tour de la Reine blancheRENTALS AND GÎTESBézu-Saint-ÉloiChambre d'hôtes LE DOMAINE DU PATISBED AND BREAKFASTAmécourtfrom115 €Couette & ConfituresBED AND BREAKFASTNojeon-en-Vexinfrom85 €Le Nid du VerdierBED AND BREAKFASTHeudicourtChambre d'hôtes LE DOMAINE DE CHAUVINCOURTBED AND BREAKFASTChauvincourt-ProvemontLa Maison de GabrielleBED AND BREAKFASTDoudeauville-en-Vexinfrom960 €L'Étable de MorgnyRENTALS AND GÎTESMorgnyLa Ferme Pédagogique de l'EpteFARM PARKGisorsParc et Château d'HeudicourtCASTELSHeudicourtMusée de la Ferme de RomeMUSEUMSBézu-la-ForêtLes Ateliers du Mont VinéFARM PARKVeslyGalerie des Curiosités LarraincyMUSEUMSPuchayEglise Saint-Gervais Saint-Protais de GisorsRELIGIOUS BUILDINGSGisorsÉglise Saint-Aubin de Doudeauville-en-VexinRELIGIOUS BUILDINGSDoudeauville-en-Vexinfrom9 €Château Fort de GisorsCASTELSGisorsAll activities